Project T

Welcome and thanks for visiting my project idea site. This side describes the project and should give an overview of all aspects. If you have questions, don’t hesitate to ask or comment.

Project idea

First of all I want you to know that there are so many beautiful people around the globe. Therefore, it is my pleasure to photograph them. In this project I want to shoot 12-15 models simply in a t-string. My aim is to see the body lines and body shape in a natural way. The focus is on the geometry of the bode and of the face. The nudity is there but shall be presented as natural part of the girls/womans body.
I want to shoot a mix of professional models and girls next door. Everyone of us has its own sexuality and phantasies but in todays society we are often aftraid to show, tell or experience it because we are afraid of the judgement and reactions we get from our environment. This is why I want to shoot everymodel with a mask. If the model wants to be mentioned at the end in the book, she will be mentioned with her name. If not, it will be a phantasy name. Ah, and I don’t want to publish those photos all in the internet. I want to create a book. And most of the images shall be only seeable in the book.

Project Goal

The aim of the project is to shoot models in a black T-string and with a mask on black and white film for a book with 12-15 models. Only 10-12 pictures of each models will be shown in the book. All will be shot analog.

Mood board

Is individual for each model and we will look at it together. 

Preview of some ot the shootings…

T-Strings & Mask

I want to shoot the models in a simple T-string in black. If the model has a selection we choose together one or we simply shop one that suites into the project. The same is with the mask. The mask should be also simple, can be a bit fancy but should not destract from the purity of the body shape.


The models should be a good mix of professional and non-professional models. Most important is for me that you feel confident about yourself and comfortable at the shooting only wearing a T-String with a mask.

Models for the project so far:
– Juliya Kovalenko (Instagram) (shot)
– Jasmine Sjofn (Instagram) (Shot)
– Sara (Instagram) (Shot)
– Demi Fray (Instagram) (Shot)
– Maria Maeva (Instagram) (Shot)
– Viktoriia Aliko (Instagram)
– Eleonora
– Tsering (Instagram)
– Céline (Instagram)


Since I moved into a great appartment I’d like to shoot it at the moment on one of the two living rooms in there. 


The pictures are going only to be published in the book. Of course the cover and a few examples will be shown online but it will be discussed before with the model. Everymodel gets a copy. For myself I want to get approximatly 20 copys. If someone wants to buy it, I start thinking of a price etc., but it is not my intension so far.

Gear and stuff

The Project will be shot on the Mamiya RZ67, a big, old, fat and heavy medium format camera. The lens will probably be the 110mm f2.8. Of course it will be shot on a tripod and therefore you have to be a little patiant as well as good in posing due to the fact that this camera has only manual focus.

The film used will be a black and white film from Ilford: The famous HP5 plus. And for the analog process interested ones: The film will be pushed one stop to ISO 800. Here are three examples of HP5 plus shootings with the same camera of a shooting with Fabienne.


This will be for me a year project. It takes place within 2019.


The whole project is funded by myself. Of course every model gets a copy of the book!


If you think now, this is a cool project, you want to give all the love and passion you have into it, I’d be happy to hear from you. Comment or write me an email to locke (at)